Friday, July 24, 2009

Another Christian Leader With His Dick Out for Kids

A jury in Arkansas convicted evangelist Tony Alamo on Friday of 10 federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, according to the court in the Western District in Arkansas.

Authorities in September charged Alamo, the 74-year-old founder and leader of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries, and raided his 15-acre compound near Texarkana, Arkansas.

Jurors reached the verdict after more than eight hours of deliberations. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

Between March 1994 and October 2005, Alamo transported five girls younger than 18 across state lines for sex, according to the indictment.

The criminal complaint included accounts from three of the girls, two of whom were 17 when the complaint was filed last year and one who was 14. All three said Alamo sexually abused them.

What causes these christian assholes to do this? Is it something in the doctrine? Is it the repression? Is it the gullibility of the followers that make them an easy target?

What do you think?


Ceroill said...

Oh, goody, Tony Alamo again...oy. He began a few decades ago in my part of the woods. That man is certifiable. I seem to recall he kept his dead wife frozen. Not cryogenically, just frozen, for years. On display too, if I recall right. I may not, so don't quote me on all this, I tend to have a memory like a steel sieve. But he's a wacko who started his wacko cult here before he got driven out of town.

G said...

It's nice to see that you, unlike csm, are able to recognize the difference between a cult leader and a "Christian leader". This group was not Christian at all.

csm said...

Yup, it is easy to just dismiss all the lunatic christians as not christian at all. Does that also apply to all the pedophile priests and ministers uncovered over the past decades? Probly, huh?

Ceroill said...

Not sure about recently, but at least in the beginning, I think Alamo billed his thing as a form of Christian church. I do remember the anti pope leaflets he used to litter town with- you know the stuff- all about who the catholic church secretly controls the world and is actually the work of the anti-christ, etc, etc.

G said...

There are many people in the world who say they are Christians but have no idea what that actually means. There was a poll done not too long ago where people were first asked their religious affiliation. An overwhelming majority (somewhere in the 70-80% range) claimed to be Christian. When asked further questions about whether they believed basic concepts of Christianity like sin, the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ, etc., that number dropped down to less than 20% who actually understood and believed in what Christianity is all about.

One also has to consider that some will use the claim of being the only "true faith", even using language that sounds Christian, in order to lure their prey. It can be about power, money, sexual perversions... Whether they actually think they are Christian or not, I don't really know.

In this particular case, when EVERY mainstream church (protestant denominations, Catholic, Orthodox, etc.) says it is a cult, you can be pretty sure that it is a cult and not some other version of Christianity.

Truth said...

Unlike the atheist who murdered millions of people who really were atheist. What is it with these lunatic atheist that causes them to murder? I suppose there is nothing telling them they can't.

Using the term christian can make you money if you are dynamic, using the term atheist will get you nothing. Those who can't catch on to the real vs. those looking for a dollar are gullible half-wits including the csm.

csm said...

I'm looking for a dollar? WTF?

csm said...

Again, here is a shitload of proof where christian clergy were didling kids and breaking the law. Oh, I s'pose none of these fuckers were christians either?


You ask why, csm, well... when you are peddling the divine truth to a bunch of people without alot of critical thinking skills and you see the power you have over them, it doesn't take too much to go over the edge and control every facet of their lives, including their sex lives. In this case I believe we have a cult, but all religions fall into this category to some degree, hence all the rules(including sexual rules mostly in favor of males)they have to follow. It is all about control and power.

G said...

Some may have been. Most probably weren't. But again, when pretty much everyone refers to a group as a cult (like Alamo), it probably is.

Truth said...

These are no more than sexual perverts who happen to claim to be christian. It has nothing to do with the christian faith as any intelligent individual can follow.

That is unless atheist are willing to admit the murdering lunatics in the USSR and China did because of atheism.

In America, you can gain power by claiming to be a Christian and being a dynamic. Therefore, individuals will use it for financial gain and power. The Bible even warns of these wolves.

Atheism has no draw therefore does not have the same lure.

csm said...

We've been over the whole atheists killed because they were atheists argument here before. If interested, look it up. (Or maybe it was on the FreeThinkers site?)

And I think I might have to post a main entry on this whole ridiculous notion that these perverts aren't christians...

csm said...

Please see Isn't That Convenient?


Atheism has no draw? I thought I have been hearing statistics showing atheism on the rise, but alas whomever published those stats must be wrong.

If it is wrong I can content myself with being in the "select" group. The others are the unwashed and the unintelligent with their heads, Stalin-style!!!

csm said...

I'm not sure that "atheism" needs a draw. Christianity and theism needs a draw, and that is draw is pretty powerful. It is convincing the young and the gullible that they will live after they die, and that there will be a kingdom with gold-paved streets if they behave themselves and believe. And who doesn't want to live forever and see loved ones who have died. Without that draw there really isn't much to theism, is there?

csm said...

And to make it even more powerful, hey, if you don't believe and behave, you'll be forever tormented in the fiery pits of hell... by a god who loves you (loosely quoting, with fond memories, George Carlin).

Cowcharge said...

Speaking of blind faith...