Sunday, July 5, 2009


A Resolution in the Oklahoma State Legislature blames the recent economic meltdown and related fiscal problems on lack of Christian morality, rampant secularism and general "debauchery."

The measure, introduced by Rep. Sally Kern (R) enjoys the support of many Oklahoma Republicans, and singles out President Obama's decision to celebrate this past month on behalf of gay rights. It has been dubbed the "Oklahoma Citizen's Proclamation for Morality."

Kern is perhaps best known for asserting that homosexuality is a greater threat than terrorism.

Are there any sane Republicans left?


Heathen said...

Haven't commented here in a long time, but I've been reading... it looks like you killed off the conservative commenters, csm?

Ceroill said...

Hi, Heathen, good to see you round again.

G said...

He hasn't killed us off. He just hasn't posted much recently that is worthy of comment. Threads about real issues typically generate a lot of discussion.


Here's something to chew on. All around the world governments have one thing most in mind and that is how can they keep from regime change.

China has to worry about a billion people marching so they have to keep credit cheap and easy to keep the people placated. But if people get uppity, they get crushed.

Russia has porous borders to defend and lots of land to protect hence their desire for buffer states like Ukraine, Belarus and what the hell, Poland. They need a strong central government to pull this off. The people don't get uppity because this is how they stay secure.

In Iran, what I am hearing is that Ahmadinejad actually did win the election relatively fair and square, the problem lies with the Western press as they only interview the young English-speaking urban dwellers and not the majority of the people in the rural areas who responded to Ahmaddinejad's argument that the clerical hierarchy is wealthy by corruption. Be that as it may, Khameni, the Supreme Ruler, had to side with Ahmadinejad to keep the regime intact. The thing to watch is how the Clerical class reacts to the coming tug-o-war between the President and the clerics.

But America is no different. It was supposed to be, but it is not. Washington does everything in it's power to keep the establishment in place. The death grip they have over us is getting tighter and tighter. From Waxman's food safety bill, the EPA's new found power to regulate tobacco, the coming Healthcare strangulation bill, the stimulus package which ties all(individuals and states) to the loci of power(and to think the talk is of another stimulus package), the Cap'n'Trade bill which will start the government's takeover of our energy sector; all of it is designed to take control of the most important areas of our lives. Just because a handful of people think they know what is best. We can't as a people figure this out(or we don't want to)for ourselves, so we delegate this to a few.

We don't deserve our Constitution because generally we are bankrupt as a people. The only satisfaction I will get is knowing our concrete foundations built over the past two hundred years are now a foundation of sand; these power mongers are building on sand and the waves of progress will wash it all away. So be it. Let us see God get us out of this; I for one am betting on natural selection.

csm said...

Some interesting points there, Bawdy, but a bit extreme IMHO. I'm not convinced that everyone in Washington is just out to grab power and control people. Oh, sure, some are. Maybe a lot. But I also remain convinced that there are some who are actually trying to do the right thing (at least in their view of what the right thing is). And I say this about both parties (OK, all 3 parties, he says, throwing a bone to the libertarian).

And are "we" bankrupt as a people? If so, how do we get out of bankruptcy, in your opinion? Would it require another revolution?


Sorry this took so long...

It doesn't take all in Washington to achieve the end result, the dominance of our society by the federal government. How many times do you hear anecdotal references to new Congressmen and Senators going to Washington to change the way things get done. Some get worn down, some just give in and some get out, but things in Washington don't change. The ruling Parties change, but not the slow erosion of our natural rights.

As far as revolution goes, I don't think there are enough people out there who are outraged enough to go through with it. As long as the government tip-toes around issues such as gun control the rest can be bought off or excised. This is one reason I think Obama hasn't changed much of Bush's Faith Based Initiatives and is backing down on gay rights in the military.

csm said...

Yet we can still point to good things that have come out of a centralized, federal gummint. For example, the standard labels on our food - would never have happened without Congress. Sure, Congress is an easy target, but let's not forget the great good that they do, too!

sdm said...

I'm not so sure that the standard food labels are actually good. They have been bastardized to the point of uselessness. Take a gander at some of them and try to figure out how much of something you are actually eating based on the 'serving size'. How much of that Disodium Inosinate did I just suck down my gullet while eating the serving size of low fat Triscuits that 'May help reduce my risk of heart disease'...or may just fucking kill me...

csm said...

Yup, things could stand to get even better. But w/o Congress there would be nothing there at all. With a little bit of reading and some grade school math you can figure out what is in those Triscuits... but, c'mon, who eats those things anyway? Man up and eat some Chicken in a Biskit!