Sunday, July 29, 2007

Zeus At It Again?

Looks like the almighty Zeus is up to his old tricks again. After burning down a church he is now going after individual folks spreading lies about other gods. Earlier this month a guy selling religious materials door-to-door in Florida was struck by lightning.

When will those christians learn that Zeus , angry ruler of the skies, will not stop until he has smoted them all?!?!?!



Not to change the subject(bullshit Bawdy), but isn't all this fucking talk about Clinton's cleaveage just showing the world how shallow we Americans can be? She's got tits, so what. Walk on any street or go to any restaurant and you will see tits. Sheesh!

csm said...

Amazing how shallow the "news" can be, isn't it?

csm said...

At least Hillary hasn't flashed a shaved beaver yet (like Britney)... not that I have any inside information as to whether the afore-mentioned beaver is actually bereft of hair or not... I'm just, you know, like, saying...

Ceroill said...

csm, this guy must be on Zeus's list because he'd been hit before and survived. Hmm...maybe he's got on Hera's good side and she keeps him from dying when her hubby blasts him?

Bawdy, I have long been appalled at the level of banality in our media.