Monday, August 6, 2007

Ned Flanders, creationist.

I enjoyed the hell out of this... thought you folks might, too.



Gotta love The Simpsons, THEEE very best show on television, ever. I don't watch much anymore, but the writing and the levels of humor were astounding. The same scene could be sophmoric(not always bad), politically savage, socially revealing and even tug at your heartstrings at the same time. A mirror could not have done a better job of showing us how silly we humans are.

Ceroill said...

ROTFL!! Stop praying to that stork! Love it!

csm said...

And the other great thing about evolution is that science is self-correcting over time.

csm said...

More interesting conversation about the recent hominid fossils and what they might mean about human evolution.